Sunday, April 8, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
free: The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Your Business With Pinterest
The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Your Business With Pinterest (Internet Marketing, Social Media for Profit)
Free BOOK!!!
Pinterest, the latest social networking phenomenon has exploded onto the scene and has as objective to connect every one in the world through the “things’ they love.
Pinterest is now the third most-visited social site:
1. Facebook: 7 billion
2. Twitter: 182 million
3. Pinterest: 104 million
4. LinkedIn: 86 million
5. Tagged: 72 million
6. Google+: 61 million
This is why you have get in there and learn as quickly as possible how to benefit from it. If you figure out how to use Pinterest before any one else, you can become a leader in your industry.
For products or services, Pinterest can take your business to a whole different level. All it takes is a few "Pin It" and your business can easily take off. So before you engage in asking for an invite, be sure you're ready for new traffic or orders. It’s growing and it's growing fast. If you do it right, it’s has the potential to be a better marketing tool than Facebook or Twitter.
This comprehensive book of 140 pages is the only definitive guide you will ever need to unlock this new social media network and is full of tips, real business examples and tools you can use to enhance your Pinterest experience.
In this Pinterest marketing guide you’ll learn:
- what Pinterest is and how it works
- what Pinterest can do that Facebook and Twitter can’t
- who are the power pinners so you can follow and learn from them
- the most successful brands on Pinterest
- how to get an invite and set up your account the right way
- how to create or find powerful content so your pins can go viral in no time
- when and how to use hashtags (“#”), mentions (“@”) for a better engagement with your clients
- how to get followed and therefore increase traffic to your site
- how to take the visual conversation to Facebook and Twitter for a more integrated online marketing experience
- how other industries and brands are using Pinterest right now
- how to do SEO for Pinterest
- how to cash in with Pinterest
- how to measure and track results
- 22 tools you can use to enhance your Pinterest experience
That's just few of the things you will learn from this book that will conclude with my 17 steps plan for a successful pinning experience to benefit your business and help achieve your goals whatever they are: drive traffic to your site, get leads, increase sales, build brand awareness, do market research, test new product concepts or even educate.
So far, Pinterest has proven it can help pick up traffic to your website, increase sales, but also run contests, do marketing research, and brand your name to millions of pinners. What more can you ask for from a marketing tool?
Happy Pinning!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Spying in High Heels (High Heels Mysteries) - free $0
L.A. shoe designer, Maddie Springer, lives her life by three rules: Fashion. Fashion. Fashion. But when she stumbles upon the work of a brutal killer, her life takes an unexpected turn from Manolos to murder. And things only get worse when her boyfriend disappears - along with $20 million in embezzled funds - and her every move is suddenly under scrutiny by the LAPD's sexiest cop. With the help of her post-menopausal bridezilla of a mother, a 300 pound psychic and one seriously oversexed best friend, Maddie finds herself stepping out of her stilettos and onto the trail of a murderer. But can she catch a killer before the killer catches up to her...
This ebook includes a special offer from the author for a FREE gift pack!
Spying in High Heels (High Heels Mysteries)